

Duna régió stratégia - JRC műhely Ulmban

HUNAGI és tagsága érdekelt a Duna Stratégia  programjaiban való részvételben. Az EUROGI  és a Danube-Net magyar összekötőjének figyelemfelhívása nyomán a HUNAGI képviseletében mód lesz a műhely második napján, majd az ezt követő Duna Stratégia éves, Európai Bizottság által szervezett kétnapos konferenciáján a részvételre. 
Az Európai Bizottság Közös Kutatóközpontja által a résztvevők számára terjesztett információs anyag tartalma: (The content of the JRC's information material distributed to the participants)

As the European Commission’s in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre (DG JRC) supports the Commission’s priority policy areas with scientific and technical advice. The support to individual regions and to macro-regional strategies in order to boost smart, sustainable and inclusive economic growth and job creation forms a constituent part of EU policy and underpins the Europe 2020 strategy. In the context of the Danube Region, DG JRC is coordinating an initiative aiming to provide scientific support to the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR).
The DG JRC initiative in support of the Danube Strategy was launched in close cooperation with key scientific partners of the Danube region. Through an integrated approach, the JRC and its partners gather essential scientific expertise and data to help decision-makers and other stakeholders of the Dan- ube Region to identify the policy measures and actions needed for the implementation of the EUSDR.

In May 2013 in Bratislava, DG JRC launched 4 scientific flagship clusters: the Danube Water Nexus; the Danube Land and Soil Nexus; the Danube Air Nexus and the Danube Bio-energy Nexus; complemented by 3 horizontal activities: the Danube Reference Data and Services Infrastructure; the Danube Innovation Part- nership; and the Smart Specialisation for the Danube Region.
In June 2014 in Vienna, DG JRC presented the first results of the activities undertaken in the frame of the scientific clusters. The event aimed at fostering synergies between the science and research community and the regional development providing opportunities for cooperation and helping to boost the develop- ment of the Danube Region. 

The JRC Annual Event 2015 in Ulm will take stock of the con- tinuing scientific support activities for the Danube region and will focus on the JRC expertise that supports the European Commission priorities of boosting jobs and growth, building a European Energy Union and supporting the digital single market through smart specialisation in the Danube region.

The purpose of the event is to show how the excellence and relevance of the research and support activities executed by DG JRC in cooperation with its partners from Danube macro- region can impact scientific, economic, social and environmen- tal development. The event will focus on how research and innovation can create jobs, underline the relationship between businesses and universities, and open the door for cross-border cooperation opportunities. 

Tuesday, 27 October 2015 

14:00   Introductory plenary session Kepler Hall
• Welcome by Ivo Gönner, Lord Mayor of Ulm
• Welcome by Vladimír Šucha, Director-General of the Joint Research Centre, European Commission
John Bensted-Smith, Director, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
14:45 - 18:00 Parallel workshops 
3rd floor: Bad Mergentheim
5th floor: Bad Salzuflen
7th floor: Bad Sassendorf
9th floor: Bad Homburg
Water Workshop
Workshop on Smart Specialisation
in the ICT sector
Energy Workshop
Workshop on instruments fostering scientific exchange in the Danube region
19:00  Dinner and presentation of the Danubius Awards Kepler Hall 

Wednesday, 28 October 2015
09:15 High-level panel session Kepler Hall
This panel with science policy makers from the Danube region will discuss needs and opportunities for territorial cohesion and new growth through Smart Specialisation. The panel will discuss what is needed to further reinforce collaboration in the Danube macro-region.
  • Moderated by Vladimír Šucha, Director-General of the Joint Research Centre, European Commission
  • Introductory remarks by Michael Kleiner, Director-General, Ministry of Science,
    Research and the Arts, Baden-Württemberg
  • Maksim Strikha, Deputy-Minister, Ministry for Education and Science, Ukraine
  • Roko Andričević, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, Croatia
  • Barbara Weitgruber, Director-General, Federal Ministry for Science, Research and Economy, Austria
  • Ferenc Friedler, Vice President for Innovation and General Affairs, National Research, Development and Innovation Office, Hungary
  • Tudor Prisecaru, Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation, Ministry of National Education, Romania
10:40 Coffee break Room Bonn
11:00 - 13:00
Parallel workshops continuation and conclusions
3rd floor: Bad Mergentheim
5th floor: Bad Salzuflen
7th floor: Bad Sassendorf
9th floor: Bad Homburg
Water Workshop
Workshop on Smart Specialisation
in the ICT sector
Energy Workshop
Workshop on instruments fostering scientific exchange in the Danube region
13:00 Networking lunch Hotel Restaurant Ulmer Gulden 15:00 JRC and EUSDR Stakeholder session Kepler Hall
Jean Dusart, Digital Earth and Reference Data, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Presentation of the Danube Reference Data and Service Infrastructure (DRDSI)
15:30 Panel discussion with EUSDR Priority Areas Kepler Hall
This panel with coordinators of the EUSDR Priority Area will discuss links between the JRC Danube Initiative
and the EUSDR Priority Areas.
  • Moderated by Miroslav Vesković, Co-ordinator for scientific support to macro-regional strategies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
  • Franc Žepič, Ministry of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning, Slovenia, Priority Area Coordinator, Priority 1b - Mobility, Rail-Road-Air
  • Markéta Ročejdlová, Office of the Government of the Czech Republic,
    European Policies Coordination Department, Priority Area Coordinator, Priority 2 - Energy

  • Szilárd Árvay, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hungary, Priority Area Coordinator, Priority 2 - Energy
  • László Perger, General Directorate of Water management at Ministry of Interior, Hungary,
    Priority Area Coordinator, Priority 4 - Water Quality
  • Viktor Nedović, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Serbia, Priority Area Coordinator, Priority 7 - Knowledge Society
  • Hans-Peter Herdlitschka, Ministry for Finance and Economy, Baden-Württemberg, Priority Area Coordinator, Priority 8 - Competitiveness
  • Kurt Puchinger, City of Vienna, Executive Group for Construction and Technology, Urban Planning Group, Austria, Priority Area Coordinator, Priority 10 - Institutional capacity and cooperation
16:30 Conclusions Kepler Hall
Ulla Engelmann, Head of Unit, International, Interinstitutional and Stakeholder Relations,
Joint Research Centre, European Commission
17:00 End of the conference "

JRC Science Hub: https://ec.europa.eu/jrc 

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