

Az ISDE-12 szimpózium (2021. július 6-8). Homlokterében az ENSZ Fenntartható Fejlődési Célok és a 'Digitális Föld' koncepció áll!

12th International Symposium on Digital Earth 

The conference will address the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and will showcase ways how the concept of “Digital Earth” can help to achieve them....

Részletek az Európai Bizottság weboldalán keresztül: https://knowledge4policy.ec.europa.eu/earthobservation/event/12th-international-symposium-digital-earth%C2%A0_en

A rendezvény honlapja:  https://digitalearth2021.org

Helyszíni és on-line részvétel egyaránt lehetséges. 

Íme az ISDE Titkárság  legfrissebb (jun. 25-i) felhívásának szövege:

" Subject: Last few days to register ISDE12

Dear ISDE colleagues,

Please find below the latest updates of the 12th International Symposium on Digital Earth (ISDE12). The Symposium is organized by the International Society for Digital Earth and hosted by the Department of Geoinformatics – Z_GIS, University of Salzburg, Austria. It will be held on 6-8 July, 2021 in Salzburg Austria, in a hybrid format. The relevant key information that you might be interested in are listed below:

1.Program (in CEST)

06 July (Tuesday)

9:00-10:30: Opening Ceremony

11:00-13:10: From visions to solutions

14:30-16:00: Digital Earth - International perspectives and status quo

17:00-18:15: Perspectives for a Post-Covid world

07 July (Wednesday)

Best paper sessions and two special Forums (see below)

08 July (Thursday)

Best paper sessions and two special Forums (see below)

18:00 – 19:30: “The road ahead” session (closing ceremony)


Heinz Faßmann (Minister of Science and Education Austria, Geographer)

Carl Steinitz (Harvard University): Global Geodesign

Huadong Guo (Chinese Academy of Sciences): Int. Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals

Ryosuke Shibasaki (University of Tokyo): Federating Mobile Bigdata for Innovative Social Benefit Applications for the Global Society

Martin Visbeck (Geomar, Kiel): Digital Twins of the Ocean - Opportunities to connect science to society

Martin Raubal (ETH Zürich): Spatial decision-making for sustainability

Yana Gevorgyan (GEO): the road ahead, the GEO perspective

Lawrie Jorden (ESRI): The road ahead - industry perspective

Barbara Ryan (WGIC): Industry engagement to reach the SDGs

Nadine Alameh (OGC): from Innovations to Operations - role of partnerships and standards

3.Special Forums

(1) Destination Earth Forum (Thursday, 08 July)

More informationhttps://digitalearth2021.org/destination-earth-forum/

(2) GeoHumanitarian Action (Thursday, 08 July)

More information: https://digitalearth2021.org/geohumanitarian-action/

(3) Digital Twins – Forum for a Sustainable Planet (Wednesday, 07 July)

More information: https://digitalearth2021.org/digital-twins-forum-for-a-sustainable-planet/

(4) Data Driven Intelligence Forum (Wednesday, 07 July)

More information: https://digitalearth2021.org/data-driven-intelligence-forum/

(5) Youth Forum (Tuesday to Thursday, 06-08 July)

More information: https://ideaslab-zgis.hub.arcgis.com/pages/isde12youth


Five workshops will take place online on Monday, 5 July, one day before the conference officially starts, so that you have enough time to join the workshops without missing the ISDE12 main program.

(1) Automated global land cover disturbance monitoring using BFAST0N

(2) Digital Heritage, Local Identity and Community Development post-COVID

(3) Where to from here? Supporting Industry engagement with the SDGs (ISDE WG2)

(4) Earth-observation analysis utilising newly developed semantic Earth observation data cubes

(5) Digital Earth – co-create ‘future proof’ today for a more sustainable tomorrow (ISDE WG4)

More information: https://digitalearth2021.org/workshops/  

5.GI_Week 2021:

Please note that your ISDE registration will also get you access to all sessions in the two sister conferences:

(1) AGIT: is the leading German-speaking GIS event since 1989 but is reduced to a one-Day presence event on WED 07 July (www.agit.at)

(2) GI_Forum: is this year fully online (THU & FRI, 07/08 July) (www.gi-forum.org)

6.Proceedings and Paper sessions:

Accepted papers will be published a few days before the symposium as issue 01/2021 of GI_Forum Journal for Geographic Information Science (indexed in Scopus). Please also visit the Call for papers for three special issues (de Gruyter, MDPI, Taylor & Francis): https://digitalearth2021.org/special-issues/

Accepted papers will be presented in six specific sessions while 4 papers will be part of the Geohumanitarian Forum.

7.Attendance and Registration

ISDE12 is organized as a hybrid event. The attendance programme will mainly happen on Tuesday, July 6th, 2021 at the main lecture hall of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Salzburg and covers high-level keynotes from science, politics, and industry and overview presentations. In the evening, the ISDE12 dinner will be offered, giving attendees the possibility to socialize and network. While the remainder of the programme will have an online focus, innovative solutions will be offered for the integration of the on-site and online participants. For more details, please visit: https://digitalearth2021.org/hybrid-event/

Efforts have been made for participants to visit part of the program here in Salzburg on-site. The organizer takes COVID-19 measures seriously and adapt the concept on the actual situation. For all not travelling to Austria, sessions will be streamed online – so you won’t miss anything. A discounted ticket is offered for the online conference.

Register this event here: https://www.conftool.com/giweek2021/

Contact ISDE12 at: info_ISDE12@sbg.ac.at

Please consider sharing the information of the ISDE 12 with your members and wider networks.

More updates can be found on the ISDE12 website https://digitalearth2021.org/ 

With best regards,

ISDE Secretariat"


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