

Műhely az EU Hetedik Keretprogramról

Pozsony. Kép forráshelye: http://www.slovakiasummit.sk/index.php?ID=160

Műhely a 7. Keret-programról és az európai technológiai platformokról

Pozsony, 2006. szeptember 12

A HUNAGI mai postájából:
"Dear Sir or Madam,
We would like to invite you to attend
“Seventh Framework Programme and European Technology Platforms”
and Brokerage event
Hotel Tatra, Bratislava, Slovakia (50 km from Vienna airport)
12th of September, 2006
The Workshop organised mainly under IDEAL-IST and EPISTEP projects is aimed to provide up-to-date information on:
- FP7 objectives and participation rules
- European Technology Platforms (ETPs)
- Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP)
in general in the Morning Session and focused on Information and Communication Technologies in the Afternoon Session.
Brokerage event is targeted on ICT but experts from different fields are also invited to present project idea and/or to offer an expertise.
On-line registration is mandatory (due to limited capacity of the meeting rooms).
Brokerage registration deadline is:
August 31, 2006 to offer an expertise and
September 5, 2006 to present project idea and partners sought.
The Workshop registration deadline is either given by the limited capacity of the meeting rooms or the August 7, 2006(?) at the latest.
An acceptance or rejection (sorry) will be announced by the server automatically.
You are welcome to contact event organiser Bedrich Weber
bedrich.weber@elf.stuba.sk for further information.
Sincerely yours,
Bedrich Weber
Slovak University of Technology
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Preparing for eContentplus is a joint initiative of Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia focusing on cooperation in the field of digital content.
Upcoming event in Bratislava on 21 & 22 September on Educational Content.
For any further information please contact our website
http://www.econtentplus.net/ "

A következő hét évre 72,73 milliárd eurós költségráfordítással tervezett 7.Keretprogram fő kiemelt programjai: Coordination, Ideas, People and Capacities. Az Európai Parlament teljes támogatását adta 2006. június 13-i strasbourgi ülésén. Az előterjesztés rapportőrje Jerzy Buzek, az EP lengyel tagja volt.
Bővebb információ: www.cordis.lu

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