HUNAGI az alábbi találkozóra hívja fel tagsága köréből az elsődlegesen érdekelt szakmai műhelyek így többek között a BME, DE ACT, Kaposvári Egyetem tanszékeinek figyelmét:
Drótnélküli szenzortechnológiák innovatív fejlesztése klaszter
2007 november 8-9
Lett Egyetem Matematikai és Számítógéptudományi Intézete
Amennyiben erről az eseményről a HUNAGI hírnaplóban értesült, és részt kíván venni a találkozón, kívánatos, hogy a jelentkezés a HUNAGI közvetítésével és ajánlásával történjen. Kérjük a határidő pontos betartását .
A találkozó és a klaszterépítés szakmai szervezésében Maris Alberts (Lett Akadémia), Luigi Fusco (ESA) és Karel Charvat (Wirelessinfo), a csehországi UNSDI koordinációs iroda vezetője vesznek részt. Az ESA ESRIN-től ma érkezett levél a következő:
"Dear friends,
In cooperation with the Frascati Living Lab at European Space Agency (ESA), the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Latvia, BOSC Ltd, WirelessInfo and the Czech Centrum for Science and Society would like to invite you to the 1st meeting of European Innovative Cluster for Deployment of Wireless Sensors Technologies. The meeting is planned for the 8 and 9 November 2007 and will take place in the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Latvia.
The goal of the cluster is to bring together European Research Institutes, SMEs and potential users of sensor technologies to support European development in this area. Main objectives of the cluster will be to ensure user involvement in designing new innovative solutions based on sensor networks, support exchange of best practices, transfer of knowledge between research and SMEs, and establish research and business cooperation around Europe; The cluster will run on the principles of the Living Lab model, where research and development are oriented on user needs.
The meeting is scheduled to start the 8th at 1300 hours and to finish late afternoon on the 9th. Participation is free of charge; every participant to cover his/her travel and accommodation expenses.
The focus of the meeting is not on theoretical presentations of different projects, but on real demonstrations of practical experiences. The program knows the following sessions:
User needs and User scenarios
Sensor Technologies and Wireless Sensor Networks
Integration of Wireless Sensor Network with Existing Communication Network
Standards for Integration of Sensor information into information systems
Applications Based on Utilisation of Wireless Sensors
Official establishing of Cluster
Please express your interest in participating to the meeting and/or become a member of the cluster via email to Maris Alberts, Karel Charvat and Luigi Fusco with the subject European Innovative Cluster for Deployment of Wireless Sensors. In the email, please identify which topics (see the following list) you are interested in,
User needs and User scenario
Sensor Technologies and Wireless Sensor Networks
Integration of Wireless Sensor Network with Existing Communication Network
Standards for Integration of Sensor information into information systems
Applications Based on Utilisation of Wireless Sensors
and we would appreciate as well a 10 line description of your demonstration of practical experiences.
For a good organisation of this first workshop, we would like to ask you to express your interest latest by 15 September. The goal is to establish already before the meeting a public forum, where will be possible start to discuss your potential interests.
Karel Charvat
Member of preparatory committee for establishing the
European Innovative Cluster for Deployment of Wireless Sensors "