

CLGE közgyűlés Strasbourgban

Comité de Liaison des Géomètres Européens (CLGE)
European Council of Geodetic Surveyors
Jean-Yves Pirlot, a CLGE szervezet főtitkára küldte szombat este a következő levelet:"Dear Delegates and Friends,The French organizing committee is finalizing the invitation form for the CLGE GA in Strasbourg.We promised it for the first days of June but the organizational burden is very important and this causes delays.Please use the available time to contact your colleague delegates to coordinate your registration.It is important to remember that the first CLGE delegate won’t have to pay his attendance (for details see my earlier message below). You could use the delay to handle the way you will share the cost of a second (or 3rd, …) delegate.May we kindly remind you that the second delegate will receive a discount of 50% for his/her conference registration but will have to pay for the rest (hotel, lunches, dinners and social programme). For other delegates from a country, the full price applies. We will send the Programme of the GA during the first fortnight of August.Although the official GA starts on Sep 18th, you are of course all more than welcome to join the Conference that starts on the 17th.The statutory topics will be handled on Friday 19th afternoon, after the closing ceremony of the European Conference.We hope to meet you all and please advertise this event as it deserveshttp://www.geometre-strasbourg2008.eu/?lang=en.Sincerely yours,On behalf of the Executive Boards of CLGE and Geometer EuropasJean-Yves PirlotSecretary General CLGESecretary Geometer Europas"A teljes képhez hozzá tartozik, hogy számtalan megkeresés ellenére a mai napig nincs képviseltetve a hazai földmérők közössége a CLGE szervezetben. A közösség tagjai alatt itt nem csupán a névjegyzékes földmérőket kell érteni, hanem a költségvetési szervek alkalmazottjait és köztisztviselőit is. Tegnap a HUNAGI újólag közvetített a CLGE és az MFTTT között.

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