

A mai GEO XII plenáris ülésen került sor a GSDI nyilatkozat felolvasására

Steve Kopp a GSDI delegáció tagja felolvassa a GSDI nyiltkozatot
ABC sorrendben előbb a tagországoknak, majd az együttműködő szervezeteknek jutott a lehetőség, hogy a GEO XII Plenáris ülésén nyilatkozatot tegyenek a GEO céljaival és munkatervével való egyetértésükről és kiemeljenek néhány elemet elmúlt évi tevékenységükből, melyek elősegítik a GEOSS megvalósítását. A GSDI-re a délutáni ülésszakon került sor. A felolvasott 2 perces időszűkére rövidített 
"Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association statement to the GEO Plenary" c.állásfoglalás az alábbi volt: 
"The Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association notes the importance of Earth observation and geospatial information in the recent UN Resolution ‘Transforming our world - the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’ and commit to cooperate with GEO and its partners to exploit their contribution toward this plan of action for people, planet, and prosperity.

Referring to the Guidance for GEO 2025 document, the GSDI Association continues to endorse the GEO data sharing principles and apply these in our work, such as the 'Geo Legal Interoperability Map of the World ', 'Marine/Coastal SDI Best Practice'., GEO Coastal Zone Community of Practice, and participation at CoastGIS Conferences and Marine SDI Working Group of the International Hydrographic Organization.

The Association also has members actively engaged in thematic areas of the GEO 2016 Work Plan, including marine/ocean data access and integration, and disaster management. We look forward to, and support, development of the "Ocean and Society - Blue Planet" activities. Our members ITC and CIESIN also participate in the 'Water Cycle Capacity Building', 'Global Mangrove Monitoring', and 'Global Human Settlement indicators' programs.

To improve decision making from local to regional scales and across disciplines, GSDI and HUNAGI made a proposal for ESA at the CEOS WGISS Meeting in May, to launch a pilot project using a Data Cube approach for the Danube Region. The data cube concept enables both retrospective and predictive analysis based on user-ready earth observation and synchronized spatio-temporal thematic data. And consultations have begun with potential partners at several European Commission conferences.

The GSDI Association includes members from countries and organizations who are developing Spatial Data Infrastructures around the globe providing access to geospatial information and knowledge leveraged by a broad community, for improved decision making across societal benefit areas.

The GSDI vision aligns with the GEO and GEOSS objectives and we are pleased to support the GEO strategic plan and continue our engagement as a Participating Organization.

Thank you" 
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