

Földrajzi kutatás és határon átívelő együttműködés az Alsó Duna medencében - konferencia Vidinben

Molinó a legutóbbi EU Duna Fórumról. Fotó: RFG
A mai postából. Dr. Nina Nikolova írta az alábbi közérdekű felhívást a Naplóban való megjelentetés céljából:

Fourth Conference “Geographical Research and Cross-Border Cooperation within the Lower Basin of the Danube”
organized by the University of Sofia in cooperation with scientific institutions from Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Hungary.

The Conference will be held on 15-17 September 2016 in Vidin, Bulgaria.

We invite papers on all fields of Geography and related fields but special attention will be dedicated to presentations on geographic research and cross border cooperation within the Danube basin.

The deadline for abstract submission is 20 April 2016 (extended).

The programme includes keynote lectures, oral sessions, poster sessions andsocial events.
Detailed information can be found in First circular at http://forumgeografic.ro/wp-content/uploads/danube_2016.pdf

Field Trip
Belogradchik, Belogradchik rocks and Fortress  https://round.me/tour/23053/view/56132/

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact organizing committee at the following e-mail: danube2016@gmail.com

On behalf of Organizing Committee,
Nina Nikolova 
I would like to inform you that due to many questions and interest to the 4-th Conference “Geographical Research and Cross-Border Cooperation within the Lower Basin of the Danube” the deadline for abstract 
submission and registration forms is extended to 20 April 2016.
Second announcement and registration form can be found at https://www.uni-sofia.bg/index.php/bul/universitet_t/fakulteti/geologo_geografski_fakultet/novini/fourth_scientific_conference_geographical_research_and_cross_border_cooperation_within_the_lower_basin_of_the_danube

Nina Nikolova, PhD.
Associate Professor in Climatology
Department of Climatology, Hydrology and Geomorphology
Faculty of Geology and Geography
"St. Kliment Ohridski" University of Sofia
Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd. 15
Sofia 1504
Tel. +359 2 9308 362 
Fax. +359 2 9446 487"

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