

Magyar vonatkozású szerkesztőségi cikk a GIM International márciusi számában

A GIM International szaklap szerkesztőségi felkérésére  leadott Insider's View rovatcikk a márciusi számban jelent meg és hivatkozik a Pro Urbe és Terra Studió vállalkozások év eleji, budapesti évfordulós műhelyének eredményeire is, melyről a Napló részletesen beszámolt.
A GIM International nagy példányszámban, világszerte terjesztett magazin elérhetősége: www.gim-international.com/
A kéziratos szöveg ez volt:

"OpenCitySmart and enhanced SDIs

Smart Cities mean liveable, efficient and sustainable cities, where the vertical services are built on an existing, basic infrastructure. To reach the goals where special emphasis should be given to the environmental sustainability, we need tools that provide an interdisciplinary approach for survey, evaluation and audit, studying best practices, concepts, strategies, actions and business plans, impact analysis, involvement of the solution providers (market players and R+D institutions), coordination, communication, community participation, education, ICT-supported integration, interoperability, optimisation, monitoring etc. All of these have to be applied according to the needs/interest of the citizens, the city, and the wider community, and society in general. Open source and open data are inevitable enablers to make effective cross-impact geospatial analysis between e.g. environment, mobility, people, government, economic development and lifestyle. This was the message of a recent conference on Smart City/Smart Mobility held in Budapest hosted by two Hungarian SMEs Pro Urbe and Terra Studio active in this field using experience-based knowledge and creativity for decades.  

When considering the world from a global perspective, given our current trend and the related consequences, it is critical that we meet the challenge of designing and building Smart Cities.

A population explosion is occurring simultaneous with a massive shift of people moving from rural to urban living. In 1950 at a mere 2.5 billion, we were almost evenly distributed between rural and urban areas. Today we have a global population three times that of 1950, and 80% of the developed world now live in cities. Our home planet, Earth, must now be wisely cared for if we are to address this exponentially growing problem. Adding to these issues, each year we are consuming 1.5x Earth’s sustainable resources. This cannot continue. The cities of the world must begin to seriously address the issue of sustainable living. If we can work collaboratively to solve these problems, we will all benefit from sharing our best ideas.

Collective problem-solving and sharing-of-solutions will also help us better appreciate our common needs and similar aspirations. In the CitySmart session, we will present open platforms and geospatial tools for building these sustainable living solutions. These applications will contribute to an "OpenCitySmart" suite of functionalities that every city typically needs to smartly manage urban living, i.e., infrastructure, mobility, power, water, sewer, city services, fire, safety, public health, construction, permits, city logistics incl. transportation etcetera, everything a city needs, even support for optimizing agriculture. The NASA Europa Challenge makes this goal a reality.

Besides the above thoughts, the organisers wish to especially target the computer science/software engineering departments at universities. The 2016 Europa Challenge 2016, with strong European credentials, is a high-visibility and career-enhancing opportunity for students and for graduated young professionals. See the award winners of the previous 3 years (http://eurochallenge.como.polimi.it). Geospatial Web app developers are in high demand and the NASA open source geobrowser World Wind (www.WebWorldWind.org) provides the ideal platform for SmartCity solutions.

An offered session at the Open Source Geospatial Research and Education (OGRS) Conference held in Perugia this October is dedicated to CitySmart, Open Source Apps for Urban Management.  Patrick Hogan of NASA and Prof. Maria A. Brovelli of Politecnico Milano Campus Como will announce the Europa Challenge winners at this time (http://2016.ogrs-community.org/).  An Asian version of the Europa Challenge is also envisaged with the same topic for the Urban Transitions Global Summit being held in Shanghai September 2016 (http://urbantransitionsconference.com).

In the Smart City context the enhanced spatial data infrastructures will incorporate novel technologies and services such as the interoperable seamless indoor/outdoor spatial data infrastructures, big data cloud services , location-based services, mobile GIS apps, spatially enabling internet of things (IoT), and the  highest resolution remote sensing from satellites and UAVs. The importance of data access is essential, but even more important is our sharing of experiences and solutions using open source through cooperation and collaboration.

The data issue was explicitly addressed at the GEO XII Plenary and Ministerial Summit held in Mexico City last November by EO and ICSU/Codata WDS experts, and the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association (participating member of GEO) expressed its supporting position in a formal statement.

Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp,
Past Secretary-general, HUNAGI
Organising member, WWEC 2016
Liaison of GSDI to CEOS WGISS

January 27, 2016"

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