

Az ENSZ Téradat infrastruktúra találkozó előadásai

Dr.Mihály Szabolcs megnyitja a találkozót Kép: HUNAGI fotógyűjtemény, 2006
Presentations of the United Nations Spatial Data Infrastructure Hungarian Coordination Office (UNSDI HUCO) Kick-off Meeting
Venue and Date of the Meeting
Based on personalized invitation signed by Dr. Szabolcs Mihály, Director General of the host institute, the Meeting was held on the premises of the Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing on 28th September 2006.
Hungarian Association for Geo-information presented by Zsolt Sikolya

Dr.Szalai Sándor (OMSZ) tartja ismertetését Kép: HUNAGI fotógyűjtemény, 2006Hungarian Meteorological Service (OMSZ) presented by Sándor Szalai

Dr. Both Előd, a MÜI nemzetközi kapcsolatairól szól Kép: HUNAGI fotógyűjtemény, 2006

Hungarian Space Office, Ministry of Environment and Water presented by Dr. Előd Both
Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing presented by Dr. Szabolcs Mihály
Hungarian Geological Institute presented by László Orosz
Mapping Service of the Hungarian Defence Forces presented by Lt.Col. István Kádár
Department of Natural Resources, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development presented by László Mezei
Department of Land Administration and Geoinformation, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development presented by Dr. Szabolcs Mihály
Ministry of Defence Mapping Company presented by Col. László Buga
Ministry of Economy and Transport presented by Róbert Varga
National Directorate General for Disaster Management presented by László Szabó

Dr. Németh Tamás akadémikus az MTA TAKI-t mutatja be Kép: HUNAGI fotógyűjtemény, 2006

Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry presented by Academician Dr.Tamás Németh
University West Hungary Faculty of Geoinformatics presented by Dean Prof.Dr. Béla Márkus

Barkóczi Zsolt, a VÁTI informatikai igazgatója tart ismertetést Kép: HUNAGI fotógyűjtemény, 2006VÁTI Hungarian Public Nonprofit Company for Regional Development and Town Planning presented by Zsolt Barkóczi
The Action Plan of GEO for the years 2007-2009 presented by Gabor Remetey-Fülöpp
FÖMI/HUNAGI Proposal for setting up UNSDI HUCO presented by Dr. Szabolcs Mihály

Some useful references
UNGIWG website with related documents (GeoNetwork, SDI Strategy)
United Nations GI Working Group documents are available at http://www.ungiwg.org
UNSDI related documents
UNSDI documents are available at
Related national level coordination offices:
http://www.unsdi.nl , http://www.unsdi.cz
GEO related documents
GEO documents are available at
Related task documents are available at
HUNAGI related documents
HUNAGI documents are available at
http://hunagi.blogspot.com , http://hunagi8.blogspot.com

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