
Ifjú térinformatikusok konferenciája Zólyomban

Dr. Kristóf Dániel jóvoltából oszthatjuk meg a következő közérdekű hírt, melyet Dr. Andrea Majlingova, a Zólyomi Műegyetem
kutatója küldött részére és a HUNAGI-nak:
Ifjú Térinformatikusok Fóruma
Konferencia Zólyomban
2009. május 14-15

A rendezvény szervezésében közreműködött cseh és szlovák testvérszervezetünk a CAGI és a SAGI is.
"Technical University in Zvolen
VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava
Slovak Association for Geoinformatics
Czech Association for Geoinformation
Web portal Geoinformatika.sk
We would like to invite you on the
4th year of the Conference „Forum of Young Geoinformatics,
that will perform on area of the Technical University in Zvolen on
May 14th – May 15th 2009 from 10 o` clock a.m.
The Conference is oriented to work presentation of internal and external
Ph.D. students coming from Czech republic, Slovak republic, Poland and
Hungary, who are in their works interested in Geoinformatics theory or its
application into particular spheres of social life.
Titles of your articles as well as the abstracts you can send on addresses
below until March 31st 2009.
The articles will be published in reviewed proceedings.
In case of your interest to participate at this Conference, please contact us on
these addresses amajling@vsld.tuzvo.sk or smrecek@vsld.tuzvo.sk.
Detailed, actualized information about the Conference you can get on website of
the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics www.sagi.sk as well as on web portal
www.geoinformatika.sk, where you can register online.
Looking forward meeting you!"

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